The majority of our posts will be about trading, the art of trading, and getting the best deal for your dollar. We will also be posting about the value of upcoming sets and price jumps on current sets.
Luke has been playing since Onslaught. His first deck consisted of any black/red cards he had laying around. Luke's first favorite card is Merieke Ri Berit (eventually his first EDH deck). His current card of choice is a tie between Vapor snag and Hivemind. He says they just make the game so more fun and interesting.
My name is Patrick Bohot. I've been playing magic since Zendikar block circa 2010. My first deck was mono red aka "Lightning Bolt you, go." featuring Spire Barrage and Fire Elemental. My first favorite card was definitely Lava Axe, although it was quickly proceeded by Steppe Lynx. I don't put too much thought into core sets but I really hope WotC brings my favorite squadron of killer birds back.
Michael started collecting cards around original Ravnica, however had no interest in playing the game until Mirrodin came out. He enjoyed playing artifact decks up until Kamigawa when he dropped out of Magic. He got back in during the Scars of Mirrodin block, and started playing competitively during the Innistrad block. He had huge success with U/B Suicide Zombies before Scars cycled out, then some decent success with a budget mono-red deck, he switched over to Jund Midrange for awhile and is currently shopping around for what new deck to play. Despite the amount of aggro decks he has played, no aggro game can beat a nice long grindfest that control decks can offer.