Thursday, May 16, 2013

Surprise! Turbo Fog!

So, for my first article I thought that I would write about my upcoming deck. For the last few sets I’ve been playing Jund Midrange with very successful results, but at heart I’m a control player that loves to take every round to time just to make my opponent upset. At first I was interested in Esper Control, because I’m a huge fan of UB, to the point that I played UB Control for a few tournaments back in Scars block. The only downside to Esper is that it loses hard to the super aggro decks that are rampant in standard. I discovered this after playing my friend’s Esper deck for a couple months, and for the first time in my life of playing control, I went negative the other week going 2-3. How was this possible? Three rounds of turn 1 Champion of the Parish, turn 2 BTE BTE Lightning Mauler swing for 7, turn 3 Flinthoof Boar, kill you. It’s a major headache for any control player Esper or Bant, simply because you can’t board wipe in time to survive and if by some miracle you top deck terminus (get it?) you’re still at such a low life level that they can burn you alive before you can stabilize.

So, there I was, sitting there thinking about how to play control, but not instantly lose to a Gruul Aggro or Naya Blitz deck. My solution is to play the stupidest, and cruelest deck that I could play. Turbo Fog. I am in love with the deck, it is able to keep the burst decks from killing you before you board wipe, while at the same time acting like a Bant Control deck, by drawing me cards and keeping my enemy off my back. The win cons that I use for my deck are Garruk, the Primal Hunter and his ult, and Jace’s mill effect. However the thing that I would love to do even more, is to use Elixir of Immortality, and just spend 60 turns of them drawing themselves out.
The list I use is as generic as any control deck gets. You have Azorius Charm, Urban Evolution, and Sphinx’s Revelation to draw me my cards, while you use Riot Control, Clinging Mist, and Fog for your fog effect. Finally you have the classic control deck 4 Verdicts, and 2 Terminus for board wipes, and the above listed win cons.
I’ve played the deck on Cockatrice, and I have discovered one thing. I have all hell of a problem against Esper Control, which is why my deck’s sideboard could also be titled ControlHate.dec 7 different counter magic, two Nevermore, and 3 Witchbane Orbs, plus the secret card of Curse of Echoes to guarantee that I win every counter fight.

Here is the current deck

          Land (25)

         Sorcery (13)



  1. Have you ever had someone detention sphere your angel's once you had them on the board? I bet that would be devastating.

  2. It's actually funny that you would mention that. After playing this deck a few times online (via cockatrice) I've found out that Entreat doesn't quite do what I want it for me. Originally, how I avoided that was that I would wait until it was possible for me to do an EoT Entreat for 5 and swing lethal on my turn leaving them with no chance other than drawing a Terminus my turn. However, this is still an extremely slow, and risky way to win so I replaced the Entreat and Terminus with two Aetherlings.

    This way, I have a big blocker, and a big attacker, who is impossible to remove as long as I have mana on the field.

    Thanks for commenting though, and I love your input!
