Monday, July 1, 2013

M14 as spoiled on Wizards

                           Ajani’s Chosen

I wished this card was a bit better, but with a lack of aura's and a high casting cost this card might just end up being a EDH filler.

Archangel of Thune

Baneslayer was a great card back in the day, when the card came out no one saw the raw potential of the card, and how it made games swing from utter defeat to a unstoppable victory. While this angel doesn't have first strike and is smaller then Baneslayer was, it does come with a great ability. I would pick up your playset and keep them this girl just might be the saver of M14.

Nothing that I can say about slivers that no one else has already said. Pending some good cards, this sliver might be able to break games and push the sliver into a T1 deck.

Charging Griffin 

 An ok limited card, but nothing game breaking.

Dawnstrike Paladin 

A great limited card, but it will not be making its way to the standard tables anytime soon. 

Devout Invocation 

I really really wise this card was better. This card is not Entreat the Angels, even if Entreat didn't have the miracle cost, this card is still a far second. A game breaker in limited, but unless the format slows to a crawl in standard this card will not be making a splash anytime soon. 

Hive Stirrings 

A sliver maker but nothing else.

Master of Diversion 

A good limited card, but once again this card is not going to see play anywhere else.

Path of Bravery 

I don't get this card. If I am winning on life my creatures get a bit stronger and then I gain more life. Its a weird card for sure, nothing else.

Sentinel Sliver 

Ahh a sliver is a sliver. Ok ability nothing else.

Seraph of the Sword 

If only this thing ignored all damage, that would be great.

Steelform Sliver 

Pretty weak for a sliver.


Colossal Whale 

Personally I do not think this is a great card. A bomb in limited.

Elite Arcanist 

God this card is so bad! A four casting 1/1 that does next to nothing. Ohhh goodie...

Glimpse the Future 

A ponder this is not, but I understand why, with ponder being banned in modern.

Illusionary Armor 

Its bad, because its bad, nothing else

Jace’s Mindseeker 

I don't know how to feel about this card. I can't make up my mind if its really bad or just bad. Great for limited


Saw play back in the day, and might again

Time Ebb 

As close to getting Timewalk back as we are going to get.

Trained Condor 

A great limited card,  

Windreader Sphinx 

I want this card to be great. I hope this card will see play.


Dark Prophecy 

I feel this card will do more harm then good

Grim Return 

I think this card might have great potential, or just end up being bad. Time will tell.

Liliana’s Reaver 

A great limited card, might see play.

Mind Rot 

Just another reprint nothing to see here.

Minotaur Abomination 

A great limited card.


Arg I didn't see this one coming, I really didn't.

Rise of the Dark Realms 

I think this card will see play, I really do.

Shadowborn Apostle 

We will see.

Shadowborn Demon 

I think this card will see play and have great potential.


Awaken the Ancient 

Its a terrible card. Its just bad.

Battle Sliver 

Another sliver, yay...

Blur Sliver 

It will be in every sliver deck.

Chandra, Pyromaster 

Let us begin, this is a fifth Chandra since the Plainswalker came on the market. Every Chandra has been terrible to a point of horror. I fear this is no exception. A bad card is a bad card.

Chandra’s Phoenix 

A great card, and will see play in everydeck that runs red and is not a sliver deck.

Goblin Diplomats 

Nothing to see here.

Lightning Talons 

Ahhhh, its a limited card and nothing else.

Marauding Maulhorn 

Its a thing, it seems Wizard wanted to add more of nothing to the game. If you have card A then card B is better. Terrible.

Molten Birth 

I can't wait for someone at the prelease to try and go infinite with this card. I would have liked this card better if it had haste or was only cost two.

Ogre Battledriver

I think this guy will be replacing Hellrider.

Regathan Firecat 

A limited card at best.

Scourge of Valkas 

A terrible dragon. I really want Wizard to make a good dragon.

Striking Sliver 

A sliver is a sliver.

Thorncaster Sliver 

This one is not a bad sliver, but it needs to cost one less.

Young Pyromancer 

Love this card! I really think this guy will be making every red deck list.


Advocate of the Beast 

Ahh, ahhhh, did you get all that?



Garruk, Caller of Beasts 

I really want this card to be good and depending on how the format goes it will be good. I see Borbo getting dropped and his enraged.

Garruk’s Horde 

It was bad when it first came out and will be bad now.

Groundshaker Sliver 

This costs way to much.

Hunt the Weak 

There are better fighting cards in RTR and DGM and its still not a thing. Watch for in limited.

Into the Wilds 

This might be a thing and I am not kidding, Back in the say, Oracle of Mul Daya, this was a real thing. 

Kalonian Hydra 

People are saying this card might be the real deal, It might be, but I have my doubts

Kalonian Tusker 

A good card, this will replace Geist after the rotation.

Manaweft Sliver 

This will make silvers a thing. I feel like its Time Spirial all over again.

Megantic Sliver 

This turn three will end games fast.

Predatory Sliver 

A good solid sliver.

Primeval Bounty 

Bant just got a new toy.

Rumbling Baloth 

A little to basic. I was really hoping for a better effect.

Savage Summoning 

Get a playset you will use this until M15.


A very strong limited card. Hopefully this card will find it's way into standard.

Vastwood Hydra 

Any card that has to die to get a good effect is not worth while.

Woodborn Behemoth 

A good late game card. A limited card, not really standard.


Guardian of the Ages 

Beyond limited play you will not see it anywhere else.

Pyromancer’s Gauntlet 

A good EDH card that's it.

Ratchet Bomb 

I am very happy to see this card make a strong return.

Ring of Three Wishes 

Terrible, good for limited, nothing else.

Sliver Construct 

One in every set.

Staff of the Death Magus 

R and D department should have just said they could think of anything.

Staff of the Flame Magus 

Same thing.

Staff of the Mind Magus 

again and again...

Staff of the Sun Magus 

again and again and again...

Staff of the Wild Magus 

again and again and again and again....

Strionic Resonator 

A triggered ability makes this card very limited.

Vial of Poison 

God this is just bad.


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